We accept Visa and Mastercard at no charge
We ship COD
We accept ACH payments
We accept DFAS payments as well as government credit cards
We are registered in CCR
DLA Aviation, DLA Land & Maritime, DLA Troop Support, USAF, USMC, US Army, Law Enforcement, Fire Fighting, Flight SChools, AG Operators and many more
[White Aero, Inc.]
All items are in our stock!
We carry over 105,000 line items
You can find our entire inventory on the following sites:
White Aero, Inc. supplies various aircraft spares for Bell 47,204, 205, 206, 209, 212 & 407, as well as many other helicopters. We also supply many military helicopter and aircraft spare parts. We offer many hard to find parts. We supply many spares for Fire Fighting, Law Enforcement, Flight Schools, AG Operators and the DLA. We have over 100,000 line items in our stock. We also offer same day shipping options.
We are a small family business. We've implemented a new training system for all employees that includes cross training in all relevant areas of the company. We think this commitment to our workforce is really a commitment to you, our customer.